
Moses Breaking the Tablets of The Law by Gustave Dore

Laws v. Men

Are we a nation of laws or a nation of men? The very fact that the founders of our county even bothered to write the constitution shows that we were …

Martin Luther 95 Theses

Then Came Eagles and Falcons

They hurried him to the place of burning and a crown of blasphemy was placed on the prisoner’s head, bearing the words This is an arch-heretic, with illustrations depicting devils …

End The Fed (Proverbs 20:23)

The Fed’s Eminent Mistake

Despite the Fed’s massive inflationary efforts there’s still no real recovery of housing prices. So what’s the solution? In a curiously titled research paper, Paying Paul and Robbing No One: …

A Puritan Family (1563)

First Church

Not too long ago I became a Father. It’s one of those events in your life, like getting married, where you discover a new and unique type of love. The …