Hidden Treasure by Rembrandt

Surpassing Worth

Throughout the ages men have sought the answer to the question, What is the meaning of life? For some, meaning is found within, for others, it is found outside of …

Wisdom Sign

Defend the Faith: A Philosophical Primer

On what authority do we know what is, what is knowable, and what is right or wrong? In 1955 Dr. Cornelius Van Til, Christian philosopher, Reformed theologian, presuppositional apologist, and …

Moses Breaking the Tablets of The Law by Gustave Dore

Laws v. Men

Are we a nation of laws or a nation of men? The very fact that the founders of our county even bothered to write the constitution shows that we were …

Baby Heart

Practical Morality

This was coming. A group of ethicists from The Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics have published an article concluding that killing babies is no different than abortion. Now these …