David by Michelangelo

Far From Worthy

The compliment was more telling than the question. The young man asked, Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life? Since he was a boy he had worked …

Christian Martyrs Last Prayer

Rome’s Demise

The Roman Empire didn’t fall because of military issues-The true roots of its decline were monetary. In Ludwig von Mises’s Human Action his explanation for the demise of Rome is …

End The Fed (Proverbs 20:23)

The Fed’s Eminent Mistake

Despite the Fed’s massive inflationary efforts there’s still no real recovery of housing prices. So what’s the solution? In a curiously titled research paper, Paying Paul and Robbing No One: …

Education Bubble

Generation MBA

When investment legend Jim Rogers was asked about getting an MBA his response was that one could learn more by sitting in a hot tub in Boston than going to …